Shale Wagman est un danseur de ballet classique Canadien,
formé à l’Académie Princesse Grace, lauréat du Prix de Lausanne 2018, danseur à
l’English National Ballet de 2018 à 2019, actuellement en congé suite à une
The Vertiginous Thrill of Exactitude - Daniel Lozano Martin
Meet the Cast: Jackson Fisch as Balthasar
Jackson joined New Adventures in 2017 for the UK and USA tour
of The Red Shoes. He played Malcolm, Wilfred & Angel (cover) in
Cinderella 2017-19 UK and International Tour. Most recently, he created the
role of Balthasar and played Romeo (cover) in Romeo and Juliet.

Danseur de ballet, drag queen, chanteur et podcasteur: Inside Fearless, Authentic Life James Whiteside
Born in Fairfield, Connecticut, James Whiteside began his
training at age nine at the D’Valda & Sirico Dance and Music Centre, where
guest faculty included Charles Kelley, Franco De Vita and Raymond Lukens.
He continued his training at the Virginia School of the Arts for one year
under the direction of Petrus Bosman and David Keener. In 2002, Whiteside
joined Boston Ballet II, where he continued to train under the tutelage of
its director Raymond Lukens, now director of ABT’s National Training Curriculum.
Whiteside joined the corps de ballet of Boston Ballet in 2003 and became
a second soloist in 2006. He was promoted to first soloist in 2008 and to
principal dancer with Boston Ballet in 2009.
Rhys Kosakowski ~ 'Levitate'
harper watter
Houston Ballet NYC Tour // PART 1
Marco Bozzato - ballet dancer from Italy based in Saint
Petersburg, Mariinsky Ballet