Cristiano La Bozzetta Age: 20 Height:
Catania – Italy Agency:
Taylor Kelsaw management
1. How did
you get into modeling?
I got
discovered on social media, in particular on Instagram.
2. What are
you doing if you are not modeling?
When I’m not
modeling I’m a professional dancer that often tours all around the world. Also
something I do is sharing my trips making vlogs on YouTube.
ÂGE 20
/ 5´9”
Cristiano La Bozzetta, né à Catane (Italie) Il est formé à
A.S.D Arteballetto Akademie (direction Patrizia Perrone) à Catane (Italie). En
2014, il entre à l’Académie Princesse Grace de Monte-Carlo où il reçoit
notamment l’enseignement de Michel Rahn, Olivier Lucea et Thierry Sette. Il est
lauréat du Youth America Grand Prix 2014 Europe Junior division (contemporary
prize). Il rejoint le Malandain Ballet Biarritz en septembre 2019.
3. The most
spontaneous/difficult/strange thing you’ve ever done?
The most
spontaneous/difficult/strange was accepting myself in all means, seen that I
wasn’t born very confident, and being able to open up to the world. Since then
I’ve grown in confidence and made huge steps in life.
4. What’s
your life moto?
Make of your
passion your life and share it with as many as possible.
5. Describe
your personal style – Favorite Brands/Fragrance?!
When it
comes to personal style I love originality, this is why I love Dolce &
Gabbana and Versace; I also like switching from style to style depending on the
day, my mood, the event. I’ve never liked following trends, I guess it’s too
easy, I like to research when it comes to dressing up.
My favorite
fragrance at the moment is Gentleman by Givenchy.
6. What
genre of music best describes you?
I guess
music in general defines me, I like going from classical music, opera, to pop,
R&B, soul, gospel, old classics and so on. Being an artist I like being
open to listen to everything.
7. Where are
your roots – The best thing about/to do in your hometown?
I’ve got
southern Italian roots and there are three things I feel nostalgic about: the
food and the generosity of the people from there and the people I love (my
family and friends). You know I left home when I was only 14 to go study dance
8. Name one
celebrity you’d like to get naughty with!
Things is, I
like knowing someone before getting naughty with them. So I guess none.
9. Do you
have any special Talents?
I guess
diplomacy and a very artistic soul